Windows 10 – Intune Configuration Policy mapping

02/02/2022 – Update to Policy Mapping 
NEW config settings now added for iOS/iPadOS and Android

For anyone new and learning Microsoft Intune or MEM or maybe you already have a a good knowledge of the platform, you will know that things are changing at pace. When it comes to configuring Windows 10 policies and profiles it can be difficult sometimes to know which policy to implement and where to start. Microsoft are introducing different ways of implementing device settings and you ideally want avoid having  conflicts and having to troubleshoot your own configuration. Maybe your wanting to see where it would be best to implement a previously deployed GPO or just wanting to see the options available. 

To help me and hopefully you make quick decisions on where to navigate to within MEM i produced this graphical reference. As per the Microsoft description of a ‘Custom’ configuration profile:

‘ Microsoft Intune includes many built-in settings to control different features on a device. You can also create custom profiles, which are created similar to built-in profiles. Custom profiles are great when you want to use device settings and features that aren’t built in to Intune. These profiles include features and settings for you to control on devices in your organization. For example, you can create a custom profile that sets the same feature for every Windows device.

Did you know? Consider creating a Settings catalog profile instead. The Intune Settings catalog contains a lot of settings and values previously only available through a custom profile, in a native easy to search experience. More settings are continually being added. ‘ 

While custom profiles are still great it makes sense to use the available templated profiles first which can help simplify the administration of your devices. If you are configuring and implementing a Security Baseline which I would always recommend then you can quickly check if it includes the settings you need while also check where else you may get a conflict. 
This is my first drop of the Configuration mappping and I will be updating it to include links to the Microsoft documentation. Ill also be looking to expand it with more policies and keep it up to date. 
I hope this helps you and please drop me a message either on the blog here or on twitter if you have any suggestions or feedback. 
​Twitter: @Andy_69Jones

If you want a larger version of the mapping download the the PDF version here:

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